I don't know what's up this week. I felt great earlier when the sun was shining and it was gorgeous out. The weather turns chilly and typical spring Portland like and I feel like crap. Oh well.
I have been up to nothing exciting. David and I are re-watching "Six Feet Under" back to back. We started 3 weeks ago and we are already halfway through the third season. I like gorging on something like that. You pick up more. And you get a clearer idea of what is going on. I'm also reading "Loving Frank" right now and I'm loving this book. I wasn't sure if I would. But I am. Although I have only read about 100 pages.
I'm really looking forward to Easter. I made the girls bonnets so they can be just like Laura Ingalls. I got the pattern from angrychicken.com. They are going to love them. I will post pictures next week as they are an Easter surprise. Well that's about all I've got to say. I'm really looking forward to the Peep Diorama's the Washington Post has every year. Some day (if they continue to do it) I will make one. I'm thinking Grey Gardens?