I have to also plug Boden for the dress I am wearing. Without them I probably wouldn't own any dresses. Much love for a company that doesn't only go up to a size 12. There are a fair amount of us who go above that and have syle to boot. I was worried that this was a little short for me, but I felt totally at ease in it. And I think it would go well with my grey converse or a nice pair of heels. But I even liked it with my boring, comfortable to walk in brown mary-janes. I can't bring myself to order many of the Boden kid's clothes though. Not because they aren't adorable. But the girls can fit into anything so I tend to go to Target, Gap and H&M (when one is available to me) for them. I do buy special clothes from there for them. But not everyday ones.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I have to also plug Boden for the dress I am wearing. Without them I probably wouldn't own any dresses. Much love for a company that doesn't only go up to a size 12. There are a fair amount of us who go above that and have syle to boot. I was worried that this was a little short for me, but I felt totally at ease in it. And I think it would go well with my grey converse or a nice pair of heels. But I even liked it with my boring, comfortable to walk in brown mary-janes. I can't bring myself to order many of the Boden kid's clothes though. Not because they aren't adorable. But the girls can fit into anything so I tend to go to Target, Gap and H&M (when one is available to me) for them. I do buy special clothes from there for them. But not everyday ones.
Monday, August 31, 2009
More of our trip
We went to the very fun Candy Store with the girls. We also went to Miette on another day but I of course didn't get any photos of it. Which is a shame as it had the greatest wall paper of all time. We had a shopping spree which aside from taking the girl to H&M kids was our only. I really don't need to get in the habit of buying 300 dollar shoes.
Where the phrase "like a kid in a candy store" is recreated for you. This was such a small thing to do but will be such an awesome memory for the girls. They loved it. Portland? Where is our fun candy store? They sell these very awesome chocolate bars at Miette called Maison bouche. The Bergamote one is my favorite. Milk chocolate and Earl Grey. Yummy. It's like drinking a cup of tea with your chocolate which is the way we like to eat chocolate around here.
Then it was off to Coit Tower so the parental units can enjoy architecture, WPA murals and city views. The kids really are good sports about this kind of thing. But I think it's important to do this with your kids. I tended to roll my eyes a lot as a kid when my dad dragged me to another historical building. However he instilled in me a love of history and now I find myself doing the same thing to my own kids.
We drove down Lombard St. in the Volvo just like many years before my parents drove their Comet Mercury (which became my high school car) down. You can see Coit way at the back.

Lovely WPA mural. And one of the artists was an Edith! Another amazing artist/creative type named Edith. It's a good name for her for sure.

One small wrong turn and we came upon Edith street. A nice little dead end street that doesn't appear on any city maps or in the book my dad has about the streets in San Francisco. So how cool is that? One small wrong turn and we find Edith street? What a happy accident! And a reminder of why it's good to not freak out if you get a little lost. I am guessing as this was so close to Coit Tower that it is named for Edith Hamlin. However I don't know that for a fact.
Palace of Fine Arts and Exploratorium
But we did vow to come back the next to play at the Exploratorium and boy did we have fun. What a great place. I know that if we always had it as an option like OMSI I would be less excited. But I'm hugely jealous because it was fun for all of us and not just the kids. But kids can be fickle if something is in their usual routine.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Home again, home again jiggity-jig...
We got back on Friday, and then Saturday was devoted to a huge pile of laundry and the general joy in being able to have a nice cup of tea whenever I wanted. I love to travel and explore but I also love that marvelous feeling of coming home. And aside from maybe Bath, England, I know that Portland, Oregon is the place for me.
I have a ton of photos and probably a few posts worth of stuff to say, but that will have to wait until Monday. Today will be spent going to our holy mecca of Powell's Bookstore. I know I am most likely wrong here because I don't know San Francisco like the back of my hand. But y'all are seriously bookstore deprived. I now firmly know that Portland is the city of books. Yes I know there are some real gems in San Francisco but for me Powell's is where it's at.
Don't worry San Franciscan's you have us beat when it comes to amazing buildings and history!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
San Francisco!
Only 2 more days until we leave on our trip to San Francisco and Big Sur. I'm so excited!
David has also told me he is going to help me design my blog so it isn't so plain. I don't know how to do that and thought it was about time I asked him for help. But all that will wait until we are back from our trip. The kids are so damn excited it's been a bit hard to live with them this week. I am also desperate for them to go back to school. It has been a very l o n g summer. I had these unrealistic ideas that I would get so much accomplished. Well I didn't. I did sew a ton in the beginning but the hot weather outside require us to get out of our oven house. And the pool (while awesome) was a huge time suck and tiring. Catching Miriam 50 times as she jumps into the deep end while I am keeping myself a float is excellent strength training. They also need a bit more structure to their days. Summer has been great for them because they have discovered new things they love to do. Which is what summer is all about. But it's time to focus on learning again. And frankly I think we all need a bit of a break from each other. They are every bit as excited as I am. Which is good. I couldn't bare to send them to school if I knew they were dreading it. Win Win!
David has also told me he is going to help me design my blog so it isn't so plain. I don't know how to do that and thought it was about time I asked him for help. But all that will wait until we are back from our trip. The kids are so damn excited it's been a bit hard to live with them this week. I am also desperate for them to go back to school. It has been a very l o n g summer. I had these unrealistic ideas that I would get so much accomplished. Well I didn't. I did sew a ton in the beginning but the hot weather outside require us to get out of our oven house. And the pool (while awesome) was a huge time suck and tiring. Catching Miriam 50 times as she jumps into the deep end while I am keeping myself a float is excellent strength training. They also need a bit more structure to their days. Summer has been great for them because they have discovered new things they love to do. Which is what summer is all about. But it's time to focus on learning again. And frankly I think we all need a bit of a break from each other. They are every bit as excited as I am. Which is good. I couldn't bare to send them to school if I knew they were dreading it. Win Win!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Quick tip
I have found for myself that life is easier if I make lists. Your tasks will always look more manageable written down than all chaotic in your head. Maybe that's just me though. But if I am feeling pressed for time or feel like I have a too much to do, I make a list. I re-evaluate what must get done today and what can be combined with other errands. And I also figure out what can be postponed if pressed for time. There are usually several things that don't have to be done today. Obviously it would be nice if they were but it's also nice to not pressure yourself.
And I have to remind myself of this because it is easier for me to panic about everything. I just have that kind of personality.
And I have to remind myself of this because it is easier for me to panic about everything. I just have that kind of personality.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Transitions to Fall
It's kind of difficult this time of year. As much as I enjoy the summer I'm still ready for fall. I don't know what it is. I seem to look forward to the next thing more. I wait and wait for summer and it's here and I don't want it anymore. I guess we are programmed to enjoy change. Which is good because otherwise we would be screwed. As we are going on our trip in about 5 days this is really our last full week of no school. Next week counts but I have a feeling we won't be burning daylight but having a ton o' fun. So realizing this I know I should enjoy these days. But I can't help it. I'm ready for the girls (especially Edith!!) to be in school. I think I say especially Edith because she needs a full day of constant activity. Miriam is still quite content to come up with her own things. This last year of preschool is going to be so beneficial to her.
We get back from our trip and school will start for Miriam 4 days later. And Edith a week later. I am terrible at transitions and I have created children who are as well. I just want the next thing now!! Please, please, please let me get what I want!
We get back from our trip and school will start for Miriam 4 days later. And Edith a week later. I am terrible at transitions and I have created children who are as well. I just want the next thing now!! Please, please, please let me get what I want!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Just a spoon full of sugar...
Gulp. We did it. We pulled everything out of the closets and cabinets and did a huge tidy/goodwill/garbage/recycling weekend. And we stained the back patio. It feels so nice to have accomplished so much and it warms my heart to know where to find stuff.
It's countdown to San Francisco. We leave this Saturday and we are gone for a week. (Squeal)! I can't wait. It's been awhile since we have had a just us family vacation this long so I'm really looking forward to it. There is so much I want to do.
It's countdown to San Francisco. We leave this Saturday and we are gone for a week. (Squeal)! I can't wait. It's been awhile since we have had a just us family vacation this long so I'm really looking forward to it. There is so much I want to do.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
How to make watermelon juice.
1- Have almost 5 year old child knock watermelon off the table where it cracks open and immediately starts pouring with juice.
2- Put that 5 year old in her room because it's the 10th time she has made a huge mess in 5 days and it's better than yelling at her. She screams but then falls asleep.
3- Quickly scoop out watermelon flesh into blender and blend. Strain through a sieve and reserve juice in pitcher. Throw away pulp. Repeat as many times as necessary.
4- Add a bit of lemonade and water to your liking. The lemonade increases tartness which I like. And the water makes it a little more refreshing.
5- Add tequila as required for a nice party punch.
2- Put that 5 year old in her room because it's the 10th time she has made a huge mess in 5 days and it's better than yelling at her. She screams but then falls asleep.
3- Quickly scoop out watermelon flesh into blender and blend. Strain through a sieve and reserve juice in pitcher. Throw away pulp. Repeat as many times as necessary.
4- Add a bit of lemonade and water to your liking. The lemonade increases tartness which I like. And the water makes it a little more refreshing.
5- Add tequila as required for a nice party punch.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Summertime and the living's a filthy, messy house
I remember telling myself 2 weeks ago that I was going to post 3 times a week or something. Well that never happened. Oops. Summer is kind of hectic like. I genuinely thought there would be more time for all sorts of projects. But there really isn't. I manage to get the bare minimum done everyday. The mystical bar of what constitutes a clean house has been lowered so much this summer I wonder if it will ever go back up. Somedays I do just try to embrace it. Edith and Miriam are having so much fun and playing so well it's hard to be angry about messes. Other days? Well they are unpleasant and I might have accidentally sworn in front of the children when I stepped on something small for the 3rd time in a row. I believe the phrase was "Enough of this shit! We are living in our own filth and this house must be made tidy right now!" I am really not obsessed with cleaning but it has gotten to the point where I complain about it a lot. Also I will not be surprised if at school they make a poster of what my mother likes, one of my kids will put cleaning the house instead of sewing or reading. How disturbing. But to be fair I don't think kids can understand how we can obsess on something so much and not love doing it. They certainly do not do things they don't love.
In more exciting news we did Bridge Pedal with the girls. The family ride which is 6 bridges, 14 miles. It was fantastic and Edith did brilliantly! It was hard for me (pulling a 50 pound Miriam). But we did it and it will definitely be a family memory and something we would try and do every year. I would have put the picture at the end but I don't know how to move it!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Portland is having a Heatwave.
2nd day of 100+ degree weather. One more day to endure and then we will be back in the 90's. Never thought I would look forward to weather in the 90's. Even better will be high 80's next week. I love that.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Flannery O'Connor
I'm reading the biography of Flannery O'Connor right now by Brad Gooch. If I was at all computer savvy I would post a picture of that for you. Anyhow it's so good. I really enjoy reading about real lives. I'm also going to pick "Wise Blood" when it is my turn to pick a book for book group. Although there is a chance that will not go over very well. I think it will be a great discussion and I have tried to read that book on several occasions but was too immature to get through it. The biography would have been a good discussion as well!
Lookout August! I'm going to try and blog 3-4 times a week, minus the San Francisco week we are away. But then I'm hoping to do a big trip post. I believe I just need to get in the habit of doing this. I think posting once a month is kind of lame on my part.
Lookout August! I'm going to try and blog 3-4 times a week, minus the San Francisco week we are away. But then I'm hoping to do a big trip post. I believe I just need to get in the habit of doing this. I think posting once a month is kind of lame on my part.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
There has been lots of berry-picking around here. I have been canning jam and making pie. I am feeling a bit like a hard-scrabbled pioneer woman. And I look like one too sometimes. So far I have made and canned raspberry and marionberry jam, as well as pickles.
Here are some nice pictures of the family on Sauvie Island taking a break from berry-picking. And the first of many flats of berries we have picked.
As well as a very cute of picture of the girls doing a lemonade stand.
I have been doing lots of sewing projects that I have not blogged about. We have been living on full-throttle summer mode. Swim and tennis lessons, playing at the pool, berry-picking, sewing, croquet and picnics. It's been so much fun.
We still plan to make a family zine. Too little time of late. And I'm hoping to get more into this blog. I have been living too much. Isn't there a quote that basically says "bad girls don't write in diaries as they are out living their life"? That's basically my unofficial model.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my
I'm beat. Wednesday-PJ Harvey/John Parish concert. Thursday-Grey Gardens the musical. Friday-ladies night at my house. I'm tired. That's just too much excitement for me for one week. I stayed up until 1 every night. And even though the kids are out of school and I could sleep in and such. I'm beat...and bitchy.
God knows I love my children. But I would recommend that people not become parents so young. My husband is 45 and I am only 31 and we look the same age. I don't think you really age till you have children, so put it off as long as you can. I feel old and awful and whiny.
Anyhow it might just be the best week ever. But I'm tired so I'm complainy.
God knows I love my children. But I would recommend that people not become parents so young. My husband is 45 and I am only 31 and we look the same age. I don't think you really age till you have children, so put it off as long as you can. I feel old and awful and whiny.
Anyhow it might just be the best week ever. But I'm tired so I'm complainy.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sad little, neglected thing.
This blog I mean, not the purse. I'm just not as into this blog as I thought I would be. Which is not surprising given my very scattered journal/scrap-booking abilities.
But here are pictures! I just made this adorable purse! Is it not cute? And it was the first so I'm hoping I get better at each time I make it.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Perfect Mother's Day
I had the best day yesterday. And the whole weekend was pretty terrific. We got a lot of yard work done in the earlier part and then had lots of fun on Sunday. I woke up to coffee in bed and presents. Followed by croissants, Sunday Times and mimosas in bed. Then we got ourselves going and had a picnic before going to the Chinese Garden. All in all it was a great day. The girls even got to splash around in a fountain and have ice cream. Something for everyone I guess. I feel totally lucky and spoiled.
Friday, May 1, 2009
minutes away....
from getting PJ Harvey tickets!!! I can't wait. She is my favorite and I have never seen her in concert. I wish it wasn't with this album. I like it okay. I wish it was with White Chalk. Oh well. I'm still super excited.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Easter bonnets
I know that Easter was a couple of weekends ago but I wanted to share the cute bonnets I made the girls. I got the pattern from angrychicken.com. They were quick and easy, which are the kind of projects I love!
I wasn't sure if Edith would go for them. She is getting bigger in attitude everyday. I thought she might think they were silly. But alas she loved hers and wanted to wear it to school. They were a big hit.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Baking bread
I baked bread today. I can't remember the last time I did it. I used to do it weekly when Edith was still in preschool. Anyhow it was fun and I plan to start doing it more often. At least until the weather gets too hot and I refuse to turn on the oven. It tasted so good too. The only downside is it takes a long time between rises, so you kind of have to be committed to being home. Anyhow I am off to take homemade bread and lentil soup to a friend who just had a baby. I met her when Edith was a baby in a new mom's group. Over 7 years ago. It's crazy that that much time has passed.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I don't know what's up this week. I felt great earlier when the sun was shining and it was gorgeous out. The weather turns chilly and typical spring Portland like and I feel like crap. Oh well.
I have been up to nothing exciting. David and I are re-watching "Six Feet Under" back to back. We started 3 weeks ago and we are already halfway through the third season. I like gorging on something like that. You pick up more. And you get a clearer idea of what is going on. I'm also reading "Loving Frank" right now and I'm loving this book. I wasn't sure if I would. But I am. Although I have only read about 100 pages.
I'm really looking forward to Easter. I made the girls bonnets so they can be just like Laura Ingalls. I got the pattern from angrychicken.com. They are going to love them. I will post pictures next week as they are an Easter surprise. Well that's about all I've got to say. I'm really looking forward to the Peep Diorama's the Washington Post has every year. Some day (if they continue to do it) I will make one. I'm thinking Grey Gardens?
I have been up to nothing exciting. David and I are re-watching "Six Feet Under" back to back. We started 3 weeks ago and we are already halfway through the third season. I like gorging on something like that. You pick up more. And you get a clearer idea of what is going on. I'm also reading "Loving Frank" right now and I'm loving this book. I wasn't sure if I would. But I am. Although I have only read about 100 pages.
I'm really looking forward to Easter. I made the girls bonnets so they can be just like Laura Ingalls. I got the pattern from angrychicken.com. They are going to love them. I will post pictures next week as they are an Easter surprise. Well that's about all I've got to say. I'm really looking forward to the Peep Diorama's the Washington Post has every year. Some day (if they continue to do it) I will make one. I'm thinking Grey Gardens?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
My husband (out of the blue) yesterday told me what a great mom I was. He had a whole list of reasons and he told them to me. I won't share them here because I don't want to be a braggart. But anyhow it really made my day. It might be the nicest compliment I have ever received. It's just nice to hear everyone once in awhile.
I'm working on a big post but life has been a little hazy and crazy lately. Right now I'm making pumpkin chocolate chip bread. David has Fridays off to save his company some dollars in these dark times. But we can learn to live on a little less and it's nice having him around. It's nice to have some quiet on a Friday afternoon. He went to pick Edith up from school with Miriam. I'm hoping they time it right. Don't get home until the bread has been out of the oven for 10 minutes!
I'm working on a big post but life has been a little hazy and crazy lately. Right now I'm making pumpkin chocolate chip bread. David has Fridays off to save his company some dollars in these dark times. But we can learn to live on a little less and it's nice having him around. It's nice to have some quiet on a Friday afternoon. He went to pick Edith up from school with Miriam. I'm hoping they time it right. Don't get home until the bread has been out of the oven for 10 minutes!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Spring Break might break
I took the girls swimming to the new East Portland Pool. It's such a great pool and it's nice to have a pool like that closer to us. Mt. Scott was quite a trek for us. Because of Spring Break the water slide was open so you could not have made for two happier girls than Miriam and Edith. I kept up with them the whole time. We had such fun. And then we came home and I realized how tired I was. Oh well, I feel fine today. But I was really tired last night from keeping up them. The tables have already turned on me! I thought I had until they were a bit older.
Today we are off to OMSI and Voodoo Doughnuts. We haven't been to the one on this side of town yet. Because we are more croissant eaters than doughnut eaters.
I'm a bit sad the birthday is over, but it's so nice having the week with the girls. Not that we don't have our moments of unhappiness. But we all desperately needed a break from our normal life and a chance to sleep in a bit. I'm actually glad that we didn't go somewhere. Although we are going to go to Seattle for the weekend. I'm really looking forward to that. But I'm glad we didn't have to drive or fly anywhere major. And our travel stipend will be quite good for when we go to Vancouver B.C. this summer. I'm hoping we can go for a week.
Today we are off to OMSI and Voodoo Doughnuts. We haven't been to the one on this side of town yet. Because we are more croissant eaters than doughnut eaters.
I'm a bit sad the birthday is over, but it's so nice having the week with the girls. Not that we don't have our moments of unhappiness. But we all desperately needed a break from our normal life and a chance to sleep in a bit. I'm actually glad that we didn't go somewhere. Although we are going to go to Seattle for the weekend. I'm really looking forward to that. But I'm glad we didn't have to drive or fly anywhere major. And our travel stipend will be quite good for when we go to Vancouver B.C. this summer. I'm hoping we can go for a week.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy Birthday to me!
It's my birthday tomorrow. Oh my goodness am I excited. I got a lovely pale blue sweater from Boden and a cute coral color wallet/clutch thing from Hobo. If I had better computer skills I would link to them here. You will just have to take my word that they are indeed cute.
I have done nothing for this blog. I thought I would me yakking from the rooftops that guess what I have a blog. The truth is I think I would make a better zine. I think it must be the photocopying and handwrittenness of it. I think I need something a bit more old-fashioned. Anyhow I did just start. But I think I might make a zine and leave them around town. That might be my pet project this summer. I think summer is going to be a relief. Miriam just isn't in school enough for me to have loads of free time to do things. I really can just get the simplest of things done. Perhaps when she is in all day school that will happen. Anyhow I think both the girls would like to do a zine together. And I think not having to get the girls up and to school and back and pack Edith's lunch will be a big help to me. I envision them playing in the yard or at Grant Pool and I can work on a zine. It will be a summer project for us too. Edith is such a good drawer that I won't even have to do that! I think we will just be less rushed.
Anyhow I'm going to try and take a family photo tomorrow night. I like looking at family photos of us in the past. I always hate the most current one. But then a year goes by and I think how young and great I look. So I will do that. I think we are having a fairly simple birthday. The economy has hit us a bit in that David is only working 3 out of 4 weeks. I'm alright with that though, we are getting by and it's nice to have him around more. We are going to go to Por Que No and drink lots of margaritas and eat tacos. And I believe he is making me a nice lemon cake.
I have done nothing for this blog. I thought I would me yakking from the rooftops that guess what I have a blog. The truth is I think I would make a better zine. I think it must be the photocopying and handwrittenness of it. I think I need something a bit more old-fashioned. Anyhow I did just start. But I think I might make a zine and leave them around town. That might be my pet project this summer. I think summer is going to be a relief. Miriam just isn't in school enough for me to have loads of free time to do things. I really can just get the simplest of things done. Perhaps when she is in all day school that will happen. Anyhow I think both the girls would like to do a zine together. And I think not having to get the girls up and to school and back and pack Edith's lunch will be a big help to me. I envision them playing in the yard or at Grant Pool and I can work on a zine. It will be a summer project for us too. Edith is such a good drawer that I won't even have to do that! I think we will just be less rushed.
Anyhow I'm going to try and take a family photo tomorrow night. I like looking at family photos of us in the past. I always hate the most current one. But then a year goes by and I think how young and great I look. So I will do that. I think we are having a fairly simple birthday. The economy has hit us a bit in that David is only working 3 out of 4 weeks. I'm alright with that though, we are getting by and it's nice to have him around more. We are going to go to Por Que No and drink lots of margaritas and eat tacos. And I believe he is making me a nice lemon cake.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
David's Birthday
David had a lovely birthday. It's pretty good to be celebrating your 15th Annual 30th Birthday. We went and had BBQ with my parents and sister who were in town visiting. Followed by a piece of this nice cake. Tropical Carrot Cake by the way.
My parents and sister left this morning so we have been just having a very quiet Sunday around here. I had grand ideas about what I was going to do today. But I think reading the Sunday Times and doing laundry won out in the end. Anyhow now my birthday is this Friday!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Off to go help at the school auction. Really it's the least I can do. It's a big money maker for the school and we are so lucky to have an amazing Public school we can send our kids to. But the irony of having to raise money for a public school is enough to make my eyes roll. In a perfect world we wouldn't have to do this sh*t. But it's far from a perfect world. And I don't have to go and rub elbows. I can just help. So that makes me happy.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
homemade play doh
I made play doh with the girls on Sunday. It's easy and less messy than marshmallows. That being said I would still make marshmallows again even though they are sticky and messy. Because they are easy to actually make. Just a pain to clean up after.
I followed this recipe:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1 cup water
1 tbsp. oil
1 tsp. cream of tartar
a few drops of food coloring at the end
Mix everything except the food coloring in a small saucepan over medium heat. It said low in my recipe but I don't believe in low unless you are simmering something. Low is hard on a gas range. Anyhow once it turns into dough and not just goop, take it out and knead the dough on a floured surface until cool enough for kids to touch. Divide and add your food coloring in however you see fit. We did 4 colors. Knead it until it is evenly mixed in.
It was fun and the dough is great. I will most likely never buy the stuff again.
I followed this recipe:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1 cup water
1 tbsp. oil
1 tsp. cream of tartar
a few drops of food coloring at the end
Mix everything except the food coloring in a small saucepan over medium heat. It said low in my recipe but I don't believe in low unless you are simmering something. Low is hard on a gas range. Anyhow once it turns into dough and not just goop, take it out and knead the dough on a floured surface until cool enough for kids to touch. Divide and add your food coloring in however you see fit. We did 4 colors. Knead it until it is evenly mixed in.
It was fun and the dough is great. I will most likely never buy the stuff again.
Friday, February 20, 2009
I am pondering that if the job you do doesn't make money, why is it less respected. Not that I need people to respect me. That's not the question. But if you don't earn a paycheck people don't consider what you do work. And I just don't understand that.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I took the girls to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. I'm so glad that I have kids that don't require that sort of place. Miriam kind of liked it, but Edith is so over that stuff. Although she did get into the skee ball. Which I don't mind as it can be non-electronic and quaint really. The whole place just causes my body to convulse. Although I did tell them I would take them to the old-fashioned arcade. I can totally get into that place for some reason. I actually think it would be fun to go there. On a side note I wonder what the E. stands for in Chuck E. Cheese. I always thought it was Chucky Cheese, but I went so I can tell you it's not. Anyhow I'm sure there is the possibility of a friend having a party there. But I'm hoping not for a year or two.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I'm oh so tired.
I have been so exhausted this winter. I don't know what it is. I have never been busier either, so I'm sure those are connected somehow. The week has me beaten to a pulp by Wednesday and then I'm just crawling towards Friday. I thought exercise was supposed to invigorate me or something. Anyhow I still haven't gotten my on sale Chia Mihara's from anthropologie shoes. Waiting, waiting.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Oh dear, I must not be feeling too bad about the economy because I just ordered shoes from Anthropologie. To be fair they were on sale and I have had lust in my heart for them for some time. And I had a gift card from Christmas that paid for most of it. But not as much as I would have liked. If I were more clever I could probably figure out how to post them here. Instead I will have to wait until the package arrives. Anyhow they are green and t-straps. And they are made by Chie Mihara. Oh dear. Hopefully I hate them and can send them back. That's the angel talking. The devil is saying Hooray!!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Revolutionary Road
I finally got a chance to go see this movie. I read the book just before Thanksgiving and have been eagerly waiting to see it. Which is strange as I know how bleak it is. I just think it's such an honest, heart-breaking film. And if there was an award for best trailer ever it would win. "Wild is the Wind" is such an amazing Nina Simone song that it can bring tears to my eyes just listening to it. Anyhow I'm looking forward to talking about this movie with friends. There were moments that were hard because I remember having bad fights with David when we just couldn't get onto the same page about life and just learning to adapt to each other. And the struggles with figuring out who you are and what you need to survive really spoke to me. And I'll just say it even though it is so personal...figuring out what to do with an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy. I could see myself in her shoes if I hadn't had the benefit of living in a more modern world. I thought Kate Winslet was magnificent, but Leonardo DiCaprio broke my heart. I never really thought much about him until now. Go see it. It will leave you deeply unsettled and shaken, but it's a masterpiece.
On a side note...There was some old guy checking his voicemail messages during a pretty intense moment. I said to him, "Really? With the cell phone?" He told me to shut up and walked out. I didn't really care because he walked out. But when he was walking back in he banged into my seat so hard. What a loser. I realize this was just a movie and maybe he was dealing with something real. I don't know. Maybe not. But still.....Please, mind your manners! They tell you 3 times before the movie starts to turn off all cell phones.
On a side note...There was some old guy checking his voicemail messages during a pretty intense moment. I said to him, "Really? With the cell phone?" He told me to shut up and walked out. I didn't really care because he walked out. But when he was walking back in he banged into my seat so hard. What a loser. I realize this was just a movie and maybe he was dealing with something real. I don't know. Maybe not. But still.....Please, mind your manners! They tell you 3 times before the movie starts to turn off all cell phones.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I'm making this gingerbread from Smitten Kitchen with the addition of pears.
It's in the oven right now and we'll see how it turns out shortly. I'm hoping really tasty. I had something very similar at Ken's Bakery over Christmas and thought I'd try and do my own. Also I plan on having several white port and club sodas with a twist of lime this afternoon. It is a leisurely Sunday after all.
I have enough yarn to knit several pairs of socks so I will be a knitting fool over the next few months. Must post a picture soon.
It's in the oven right now and we'll see how it turns out shortly. I'm hoping really tasty. I had something very similar at Ken's Bakery over Christmas and thought I'd try and do my own. Also I plan on having several white port and club sodas with a twist of lime this afternoon. It is a leisurely Sunday after all.
I have enough yarn to knit several pairs of socks so I will be a knitting fool over the next few months. Must post a picture soon.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Pizza night...the feeling is right!
I can't commit to making homemade pizza once a week. I just need too much variety in my diet. However I can't speak highly enough of it. In the beginning we had some kinks with it but finally we have ironed them all out. So I would dare say we can make a very tasty pizza. I think that pizza is like pie or quiche really. Once you master it, it's easy, but there is a bit of a learning curve. Like anything else you just got to give it ago. There are so many how to make pizza tutorials out there so I'm not going to add one. However here is my "wisdom".
1-make smaller pizzas so everyone can make their own.
2-whole milk mozzarella, really! The part skim stuff will just make it watery. If you use fresh mozzarella give it a little squeeze to get some of the liquid out. I would rather have a little of the good stuff than extra of the less good stuff myself.
3-anything goes with pizza so add what you like and make it seasonal. Fresh tomatoes and basil in the summer and butternut squash in the winter.
It's a great meal for the whole family because all kids love pizza.
I downloaded a project/pattern fromm kingpod.com today for Houseslippers. I'm anxious to see how they turn out. They look fairly simple. Now I just need to find time to go to Fabric Depot. And I'm hoping I can adapt the pattern to fit the girls.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Yes We Can!
Yesterday was a rather historic day, not that I need to point it out to anyone. However I think having your newly-elected mayor admit to an inappropriate relationship with an 18 year old can quickly take some of the shiny happiness off. I really don't know what Sam Adams was thinking. If you are going to lead a life in the limelight here is my advice...Don't have sex with teenagers when you are a grown-up. It's hard to know if he should resign though. We need change and help fast, so I don't think having a new mayoral race so soon would be great. However he lied. This is post-Clinton. Will anyone ever learn?
On a side-note I am curious about one thing. Wasn't he embarrassed to get naked with a teenager? No matter how well you up keep your body, you will never look like a teenager.
Okay on to better business. You should be watching "Meerkat Manor." I was drawn to it because I have a 4 year old who loves meerkats. Most likekly because her name is Miriam, we call her Miri and that lead to her being our little meerkat. But it is freaking Dynasty, Bevery Hills 90210, soap opera kind of stuff. And it is awesome. I also think it's good to watch with kids because they learn about the life of meerkats which is not so different from our life. I know that we don't eat our rivals babies and such. However it deals with death and mating. We still call it mating and I think my 7 year old Edith thinks mating is some type of wedding like ceremony. And I'm okay with that for now, because she is the type of kid who will let you know when she is ready to discuss the big topics. She knows technically how babies are made (egg meet sperm) but not the fun before they meet. Anyhow we are all loving this show. It had been on our Netflix cue for ages and we finally moved it up to the top, I'm so glad we did.
On a side-note I am curious about one thing. Wasn't he embarrassed to get naked with a teenager? No matter how well you up keep your body, you will never look like a teenager.
Okay on to better business. You should be watching "Meerkat Manor." I was drawn to it because I have a 4 year old who loves meerkats. Most likekly because her name is Miriam, we call her Miri and that lead to her being our little meerkat. But it is freaking Dynasty, Bevery Hills 90210, soap opera kind of stuff. And it is awesome. I also think it's good to watch with kids because they learn about the life of meerkats which is not so different from our life. I know that we don't eat our rivals babies and such. However it deals with death and mating. We still call it mating and I think my 7 year old Edith thinks mating is some type of wedding like ceremony. And I'm okay with that for now, because she is the type of kid who will let you know when she is ready to discuss the big topics. She knows technically how babies are made (egg meet sperm) but not the fun before they meet. Anyhow we are all loving this show. It had been on our Netflix cue for ages and we finally moved it up to the top, I'm so glad we did.
Monday, January 19, 2009
5 years late
I've been meaning to start a blog forever. I'm only late by 5 or so years. I was too busy having babies. Which I know can be great to blog about, but not really my style. Not that I won't blog about them I just am more interested in blogging about crafting and cooking. Not that there aren't a hundred of those kind of blogs too.
Anyhow coming soon....
1-quick, easy pizza night
2-the Allens visit the coast and it was nicer in January than it can be in July
3-cats who throw up on things, including pianos and heat vents
4-Meerkat Manor...strangely addictive
Anyhow coming soon....
1-quick, easy pizza night
2-the Allens visit the coast and it was nicer in January than it can be in July
3-cats who throw up on things, including pianos and heat vents
4-Meerkat Manor...strangely addictive
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